Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Dark Musing

*For the record, I don't want anyone freaking out upon reading this. This is just a reflection I thought I'd share.*

Have you ever wondered: What's the point?
What are these lies that we tell ourselves to convince us to carry on, to hope, to believe that things will eventually be different?
That the money will come? That the love will last? That the laughter will continue?
Is it simply genetically encoded in us as Homo sapiens--as animals--to push on? Like dogs that still look for affection from the masters that beat them?
What is it? Why?
Is it because we are socially programmed to think that carrying on is the right thing to do, even if it makes us miserable? That we should heed the words of people crushing us while telling us that they are trying to help?

People who try to break free are frowned upon and reprimanded, but why? Because it is wrong? Or because Society is bitter that these people have tried to escape the system that it has worked millenniums to build and maintain?

There are billions of people in the world and yet we are told that each one of us is significant; that the starving child in Africa is just as important as the obese man in the U.K. But really, 99.999999999% of us won't leave so much as a scratch in the world when we die, much less a line in a history book. How significant do you feel now?

"But think of it on a smaller scale," you say. "What about the people around you? What about your friends and family?"
And that's just it.
Perhaps that is the reason there are not massive amounts of suicides on a daily basis as people, one by one, realize their insignificance. Because humans--due to nature or nurture--think of others. (I like to think that the number of people who would rather not hurt anyone far outweigh those who are impartial to inflicting pain.) While individuals may see their own insignificance, others see great significance. And because they do not want to hurt or disappoint, they stick around.
They lie to themselves for the sake of others.
For many, that is why. That is the point. Better to live to keep others happy than to give up to save yourself. It's strength and sacrifice. It's telling lies to spare others the truth. It is the silent battle that must be won.

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